Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 20 Lombardia-Cairo-Luxor

The faces below are from the hard life we have been having in the last 3 weeks... having holidays is realy tiring.

Anyway, this morning we had breakfast in the hotel terrace, sun, coffee/tee and croissant....mmmm perfect. Before lunch we packed the car and headed to the airport. We had 3 hours before the plane was due to leave and thought that would be plenty. But it wasn't, arriving with the rental car at the wrong terminal (thanks to Avis instructions) didn't help.

We arrived in Cairo and had to make the check-in (for Luxor) again since we had two separates tickets.
Note: Egyptian airports are made in the wrong way. Security, check in, security?

Well finally we arrived in Luxor at 2 am, hoping to find the hotel car waiting for us...there was no one from the hotel, so we took a taxi...not fun

Ahora se empieza a ver como las caras de los dos van cambiando...eso de viajar cansa mucho!

Desayunamos en la terraza del hotel y nos quedamos leyendo hasta antes del almuerzo que empacamos y nos fuimos con rumbo aeropuerto del Malpensa en Milan. El viaje tranquilito.
Llegamos al aeropuerto con 3 horas de antisipasion que pensamos que era mucho...pero no, entre entregar el carro, hacer el check in y pasar la seguridad.....buenoooooooo
Mi botellita de vino rosado que se quedo en mi mochila me toco provarløa (que no terminarla) en la fila de verdad era una fila tan larga que el era la unica forma!

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