Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fort Lytton

Took a trip to Fort Lytton today, at the mouth of the Brisbane river. The fort was built to protect Brisbane from invaders and was operative during the first and second world war. Not that anyone ever considered invading Brisbane...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Daisy Hill Koalas

This is Freckles, one of 4 Kolas at Daisy Hill.

 This bird was sitting on our table when we were eating lunch, less than 1m from our food. Hence the close up.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Queens Park Ipswich

We took a trip to Queens Park in Ipswich today. There they had a small animal park. Lots of cute animals!

Monday, March 21, 2011

St Patricks day!

My first time ever celetrating St Patricks day, It was great fun!!!
Jueves pasado celebrando el dia de San Patricio, la pasamos super bueno :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

First rugby match! Brisbane Broncos VS Sunshine Coast Cowboys.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


As good as real Australian Asian food is, luckily it's still possible to get foreign food when home sickness creeps in...

Arepita con chorizo, que felicidad! La semana pasada fui a buscar platanos con J&B y resulta que el ciclon no dejo nada a su paso...tendremos que esperar meses antes de poder conseguirlos.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

El monstruo

Los lentes nuevos pesan como dos kilos! Que dia fuimos a ver maletas para camaras, para poder mover camara, lentes y accesorios varios, pero a mi la verdad me parece que necesitaremos troli, ese monstruo no hay quien lo cargue.
Lo bueno de los lentes es que se ve uno muy profesional y entendido en la materia de fotografia, Yadira sabe lo buena fotografa que soy, pase tomandole fotos por las Europas por dos semanas...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Glasshouse Mountains

Australia is not known for mountains (except that big red rock thingy in the middle), but today we visited a place called Glasshouse Mountains, about 1hours drive from Brisbane.

 One of the 5 or so lava plugs that make up the glasshouse mountains.

One of the cute inhabitants...
...and some of the not so cute ones...

 ...a walking stick!
 This one really looks like a leaf when you don't zoom in!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


This is what I found next to the bathrooms
Esto precioso animalito fue lo que encontre al lado de los banos