Saturday, August 28, 2010


We where invited to our first barbecue in Australia, Olga and Juanma our Spanish friends made really good food. We also meet lots of people from Venezuela that day. Lars practice lots of spanish.

Primer bbq en australia, Olga y juanma de espana nos invitaron...comimos rico. Tambien conosimos un monton de personas de venezuela. Lars practico espanol toda la tarde.

We had some visitors...we whre in th meadle of a natural reservation.
Tuvimos visita...estabamos en la mitad de una reserva.

Look will see the baby cangu
Si miran bien, se puede ver el canguro bebe dentro de la bolsita


Friday, August 20, 2010

Sunshine Coast

This was our first visit to the sunshine coast. This was still in winter.
Primera visita a la costa del sol..aun era invierno.

Small beaches
Las playas son pequenitas!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Long Pine Koala Santuary

Look at that happy face!!! Sweety :)

Rata, tratando de hacernos creer que es mascota!
Rat, pretending to be a pet!

Ohhh what a happy day!



Tasmanian devil
Demonio de Tasmania, este animal es primo hermano de galafea!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nudgee beach

Nudgee beach is the closest beach to the city, but is not that good for sweeming.
La playa de nudgee, es la mas cerca a la ciudad, pero no es buena para nadar.

