Monday, May 31, 2010

Packing, cleaning and moving

How could we have so much $%^&* in the flat?

Hinke and Mila

Vivi, Morten and "terie" :( heping us to move.
Los amigos de Lars nos ayudaron a hacer el trasteo.

Finally 2 rooms ready

The last night in the flat before going to Morten and Vivis house
La ultima noche en el apartamento antes de ir a la casa de Morten y de Vivi.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The begining/ El comienzo

Is dificult to start a blog, because we really want to let you guys know how our trip is going, but all ideas disapear when you read the sign "post"in the screen.
Let's start at begining...Lars got an email from work for an oportunity to work in Australia, he accepted it and so we start applying for visas and moving things in January. But what about the flat? Rented. And the car? sold (someone had a hard time doing this).
And when are you going to Oz? We arrive there the 6th of July.
So what are you doing in the mean time? We are travelling!!!!

Es dificil empezar un blog, porque cuando toca ponerse a escribir las ideas desaparecen!
Ya todo en Oslo esta listo (vendido o alquilado) y por lo tanto es hora de empezar el viaje!