Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas evening

Traditional 4 o'clock tea with cookies and the Christmas loot under the tree!
Tomando el "tradicional" te con galletas. Ni rastro de natilla y bunuelos pero igual tengo galletas que me quedaron cojonudas :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010


It rains today...a lot! So I decide to make for firs time ever butter cockies. This is the first tray.
Llueve, llueve, no ha parado en todo el dia. Me decidi ha hacer las galletas de mantequilla..levo 1 mes diciendo que las voy ha hacer. Esta es la foto de la primera bandeja....todo perfeccion.

O well the first try looked nice but I almost burned them :(
Ya iba quemando las galletas...juro que segui las instrucciones de la revista al pie de la letra (por primera vez en mi vida). Puse unas en el arbol de ven lindas!

With the other trays I was bored of making figures and waiting til the dough was cold, so I tried to make circles and half-moons like Hinke didn't work that well, but they taste good :)

Con las siguientes bandejas me aburri de tener que poner la masa en la nevera para sacar las formas perfectas, entonces hice lunitas como las hace la mama de Lars, no quedaron bonitos pero pero saben delicioso :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday morning

Monday 5.00 in the morning, I woke up with the first train, this is what I saw through the small window in my room. After making the pictures I went back to sleep.

El lunes me desperto el primer tren de las 5 de la manana, pero esto fue lo que me encontre cuando mire por la me pude resistir y me fui por la camara y me puse ha hacer fotos...luego a la camita otra vez.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

X-mas is here!

This is our Kmart 5 Dollars X-mas tree! Came fresh from the woods.
Este es nuestro arbolito de navidad, Pino recion traido del bosque, de la mejor calidad por 10 mil pesos!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wine tasting

We went out on saturday, just to enjoy the car in some small roads not so far from Brisbane CBD. We end up in a free wine tasting place...where we drank tee!

Lars after to much tee.
Lars despues de tomar mucho te.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Valentino Retrospective


En la retrospectiva de Valentino con mi amiga Nicole, despues de pasar por una cola de casi dos cuadras para ver los modelitos!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Botanical gardens

A collection of pictures of what one can fin in one's back yard when living in Brisbane...
Palm trees are everywhere!
Your average friendly neighborhood garden spider. Lives on birds and small mammals.
The perfect model. Never moves, just sits still and stares at you (doesn't even blink as far as I can tell)!
The origin of the term 'bird brain'.
What you will be sharing the water with when going for a swim.
The moon as it appears down-under.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gold coast again

Surfers paradise

This is the only coffe you I could get
Cafe en pote fue lo unico que encontre...hace falta un chiringuito con estilo en esta playa.
 To much to read just to get in the water

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Stroopwafels :)

It has been a long time trying to find all these things, and today I found them in a regular supermarket. There was a shelf full of Dutch sweets. Lars is going to be happy!

Hoy encontre en el mercado tostadas, wafles y chocolate en granitos, de las cosas que mas le gustan a Lars...todas muy tipicas holandesas. Ahora solo falta encontrar las cosas que me gustan a mi!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday - Sea world

We spent the day in Sea World with friends from Spain and Venezuela.

Pasamos en dia en Sea world con unos amigos de Espana y venezuela.